THE HORROR & SCIFI PROP PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION [International Prop Preservation Association, Inc.] champions the collections and restoration of some of the most incredible screen used props in cinema history. Horror, science fiction, superhero, fantasy, adventure, and all genres in-between find a home in The HSPPA collection.

The Horror & SciFi Prop Preservation Association (The HSPPA) is a not-for-profit museum of screen used and production made props, costumes, and film relics that focus on the Horror & Science Fiction genres with a sub-branching into the Super-Hero/Comic Book, Fantasy, Thriller and Action genres. The HSPPA is the brainchild musician/producer/actor, James Azrael, and centers around his collection, which was started nearly 30 years ago. After repeated mentions from friends, pizza delivery persons & service technicians that his house was like a museum and he should charge admission, James started on the road to form The HSPPA. His mission was to bring these iconic pieces from his walls to the fans to forge unforgettable experiences and life-long memories. Now joined by Assistant Head Curators, Craig Champion and Chris Szydlowski, The HSPPA is reaching across the continental United States and involving nearly 30 Featured Exhibitors.
In 2019, The HSPPA's James Azrael, Chris Szydlowski, Lola Forbes and
Ernesto Avina joined forces to create SPOOKY'S SWIRLS...a Horror &
SciFi themed gluten-free bakery combined with a museum of screen
used props (from The HSPPA) on display. Spearheaded by Chris and
Lola, Pastry Chefs together with over 30 years of combined knowledge
and experience and specializing in no-gluten recipes that are highly
enjoyable by everyone. SPOOKY'S SWIRLS is located in Chandler, AZ
(just outside of Phoenix).